Monday 28 November 2016

Highballs for Breakfast: 'a splendid anthology'

Quite delightful to open up the Saturday Times recently and see that the lead Fiction review in the culture bit is one's own little edited volume of Wodehouse. Patrick Kidd was the reviewer with such advanced taste, and this is part of what he so kindly said:

"Alcohol goes with Wodehouse as eggs do with b, as the author might say. Some of his finest characters live on it, such as the Hon Galahad Threepwood, whose secret of eternal youth is to “keep the decanter circulating and never to go to bed before four in the morning”. Booze washes through his work, and Richard T Kelly has gathered from the cellar a splendid anthology of snippets and longer passages on alcohol. It is vintage Wodehouse in more ways than one."

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